Well, I missed my daily blog yesterday. But it was for a good cause, catching up with Drew Hisey and Billy Restey, good friends and owners of Dystnct Media.
It's such a pleasure to come back to Seattle and see friends doing so well (personally and professionally). The guys have a fantastic work studio with a view of the water in downtown Seattle including beautiful handmade wooden desks that Drew's dad crafted giving it an authentic PNW feel.
I thought it would be fun to take a look back at the first project Drew and I worked on together before showing you Dystnct's 2015 reel. Not just to show you how far he's come, but because the night hold's such a special place in my heart. Time is flying and it's crazy to think that this video from Freaknight was from 2011. Almost 4 years ago! It's also symbolic for me as I'm preparing to re-enter the world of video with a full head of steam.
Not a bad video for 2011 right?! I'd challenge anyone to find a more cohesive, well edited video of a rave from 2011. The soundtrack was also a song from local Seattle producers so it was a Seattle production through and through.
If you liked the video above, prepare to be blow away with what I'm going to share next. Things really started to take off when Drew and Billy teamed up, between the two of them there's nothing they can't handle. Video production, motion graphics animation, product design, graphic design...I'm continually blown away by the quality of the work they're doing and the breadth of projects they're able to take on successfully. So without further ado, enjoy the Dystnct Media 2015 showreel:
Dysntct 2015 Showreel from Dystnct on Vimeo.
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